Thursday, May 10, 2007


When I was working here previously (2 years back), I did a fair amount of travelling to remote areas in Australia; most of it involved flying. You get used to it after a while.
My current job scope is mainly within Darwin however a small percentage of work still required me to go outbush. When I was waiting at the lounge before boarding the plane, it felt a bit weird and I think I was kindof nervous. It seem to bring back memories of my first flight. Guess you never get used to the flying.
Btw, I'm not talking about a Boeing 747. Some say its safer to be travelling on a plane than in a car but I'm not so sure about the facts here cos if you're lucky, you get a twin propeller.

You feel kindof nervous when:
- The counter staff weighs your luggage first before weighing you to make sure the plane is not overloaded.
- As you get on the plane, the pilot ask the heavier people to sit near the rear so the plane 'balances' better.
- The pilot tells you the 'good' news that this plane does not have aircon so its a lot lighter than the other planes.
- The only form of airflow (before takeoff) involves the pilots door/window being opened as it taxis down the runway.
- You look at the analog instruments and think your car interior and gadgets look better than that.
- As you approach your destination you get the deja vu feeling of landing on loose gravel again.

And here comes my 4WD transport which btw is also an ambulance.


Anonymous said...

Pics u take one har? You quite talented I say.

Oi how Mr nutritionist...want to do my diet plan for me or not?

AJun said...

Yes, I took picts. But of the 3, think there might have been hundreds of happy snaps which I deleted.
Diet plan: Can. Email me your current diet and bodywt.

Sher said...

oi i want a diet plan too. to gain weight. i think i'm even thinner than papa now.

Sher said...

oh and nice pictures!!! interesting too. din know it was such an adventure sitting on one of these small planes.

Catty Pants said...

Ai-yo-yo... the pilot damn cute-lar! (from the back at least) ;)

AJun said...

Sher: Diet plan, yeah. When I'm back for hols in Aug.

Cat: Yes, he is cute and guess what; the girlfriends a fellow dietitian. Now why didn't I get any female pilots.

Anonymous said...

Oi... I email u liao.. got recieve or not?

I got a July date w OSIM....

Serene Bean said...

Wah, twin propeller, excitingly scary. Is it the same as being in a helicopter? That was pretty cool too.

Diet plan? I want also! Hee.

Serene Bean said...

By the way, good shot of the plane's belly!