Sunday, March 9, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Its always good to be home to see my niece and nephew and maintain my favourite uncle status with my 6 monthly bribes of Chupa Chups, Snakes and a big chocolate Easter Egg to top it off.
My flight was delayed by almost 3hrs (which was a relief) compared to the 12hrs initially thought. Apparently we had a 'bird strike' at the engine which required a special camera to inspect the damages. Darwin did not have one and it had to be flown in from Melbourne. To cut the story short, the engineer gave the all clear and we were off.

First thing I did was head to the kopitiam, ordered a bowl of mee rebus, kaya toast and kopi (the one with condensed milk). While I dun crave local food its good to have a taste of home again. Had a BBQ with some Polytechnic mates the next day. I am perhaps one of the few who have deviated from the Engineer background. I dun think I got much into the local electronics / telecommunications conversation but the rest of the common local topics made me wonder if I can ever return back to Singapore. Things like which Expressway is always jam when going to work, $$ never seem to be enough, rising food prices, a friend was even enrolling for medical drug trials for some extra cash, which I must add pays pretty well, the increase in taxi fares etc etc. I guess we all winge and Australia is no exception but having it all hit in one day seem too much to digest.


Unknown said...

one more niece coming very very soon...

Sher said...

we hope. the rate i'm going, i might well be overdue!

Anonymous said...

This boy only update his blog when he is home..which defeat the purpose of a blog cos I know wat he does as he is "only one street away".

Can you please update the damme blog when u are back in the outback.

PS: esp article w the babes u bring out for kayaking.

Catty Pants said...

Did I just read that you DON'T CRAVE LOCAL FOOD???!!!!!!

Blasphemy! :)

AJun said...

Holiday wat... relax, got plenty of time so blog. Taiwan babes left so nothing to blog..ha
Yes, Cat. I do enjoy local food when I'm back but wont go crazy without it back in Aus.

Serene Bean said...

I am already compiling my food list NOW, for my trip back to S'pore in JULY!!! What's this "don't crave local food" business I hear??? Aiyo. :)