Sunday, April 6, 2008


Frd: "So where are you working now?"
Me: Darwin.
Frd: " So ulu, what are you doing in that god forsaken place"

This was the conversation I had with a friend while I was back home in Singapore.
Contary to the title, if I was contented prehaps I would not have left Singapore in the first place.
Working in Singapore, we all cope as best as we can but the common remarks I hear from people about work is, the longer hours, work's not appreciated, pay is low, politics. Working here, I've never had those issues at ALL. Even if I had to work longer hours on some days, I gladly do it cos the gratitude from the patients or the appreciation from the boss well pay the dues.
And on the weekends, I enjoy my bike ride with friends and relax over my unhealthy bacon and fried egg breakfast finished with a nice coffee while browsing thru the local papers.

Sundays; I do my grocery shopping in the day, might clean up the house a little and head for a game of soccer in the evening.
Could I ask for more? Actually, yes I could. I do enjoy the cafe culture and fine dining that Melbourne has to offer (And the single and available doctors that Cat is offering). But for now, I guess I am contented.

U-lu? No, just the simple life.


Catty Pants said...

I spy with my little eye a yummy egg and bacon brekkie!!!!! MY FAVE!!! :):) I'm glad that the dietician approves of my most favourite meal on earth :):)

PS: You are MORE than welcome to pop by our humble abode at any time Gerard!

PPS: cute ward clerk I wanna intro to you *wink*

Sher said...

oh my god can u just go to melbourne and meet some chicks?

Anonymous said...

Damme it... cat never made me such offers.

AJun said...

Hey Mike, we could plan a trip to Mel to visit Catty pants.
Thks for the accom offer Cat. Heading to Brissy for some work in May, might just pop over.