Friday, February 27, 2009

Nuts; it didnt come out right

As you know I've been doing some cooking classes. One common finding is how often people understimate fat and the calorie it gives. Clients would say bread, pasta and rice is fattening but dont think about the cream carbonara that goes with the pasta.

Avocado is rich in fat, good in nature, so wont really put on weight?!?!?
Nuts, I can eat as much as I want, cos the fat in there is good?!?!?

Just to put into perspective
* your 400g tin of coconut milk has about 50-60g of fat (saturated fat, ones that will bump up your Lousy-LDL cholesterol and clog ypur arteries).
* A 100g worth of macadamia nuts (roughly enough to fill 1 measuring cup) has 70g of fat. I wonder how people come to the conclusion that nuts are not fattening.

Anyway, just as we were packing up the room with my female workmate, she started nibbling on the pack of nuts. Hey, in these time of economic crisis and working for a not-for-profit, naturally, I'd save the packet for my next class. So I yelled out, "Hey, will you stop eating my nuts" and she started laughing. Gosh, I wasnt even trying to be horny!


Unknown said...

its all in perspective isnt it? I believe in everything in moderation!

Catty Pants said...

I have a little secret I want to share....urm...I have high cholesterol!!!!!!! ARRRGH!! The foodie's ultimate nightmare!

What shoud I do G? My LDL is elevated but my ratio is OK. I think my HDL is low though.

AJun said...

Foodie nightmare indeed!! If I was in Adelaide, the first I thing of will be: oh no, no more Hong Fatt Roast Pork!
Start reading the labels, look at your pantry with stuff which contains the most saturated fat. Its usually animal fat sources but things like TimTam, pastries, biscuits, MeeGoreng (cos of the Palm oil) which contributes. Even if you dun add seasoning, the noodles are actually pre-fried. Frankly, I cant recall when my last packet was.
HDL: Studies show the occasional red wine might help but its bike that sitting in the corner of your patio that will be most USEFUL in lifting HDL levels!!

Killjoy said...

I need to lose weight...hai..