Friday, March 28, 2008

My Office

The 3 most common remarks with clients coming into my office:
1. Gosh, its like a supermaket
2. Cheez, u've got a lot of crap in here
3. Did u really eat all that food? (of which the answer is Yes, over a FEW months!)


Catty Pants said...

Oh my THAT your office??

COOL! :):)

AJun said...

Oh no, I got SPAM!

Yes, Cat. And I do also have a box of rat poison under my desk that gets routinuely changed. Think mine's the first room they go for!

Serene Bean said...

Wow! I want your office! Mine is filled with loads of paper and not enough food!

Unknown said...

wah.... its a sign when everyone starts getting their own offices. I'm still making my way there....

Anonymous said...

Mine got no food, better not to have so no temptations to snack.