Saturday, March 29, 2008

Polar HRM

Here's the Polar HRM readout from my Saturday ride. HR scale on the left, Altitute on the right
As you can see Mike, Darwin isn't exactly very hilly! Then again, u would probably be bringing the MTB if you do visit.
All that data would mean a lot more if I had cadence and speed on it and I just realised that its compatible with the 625x. What say you?


Anonymous said...

I think Speed and Cadance sensor are good with the altitude and heartrate but I think its best used with a powermeter.

I am now thinking of the Poalr Power meter or go the whole hog and use the Powertap.

Anonymous said...

Upon closer inspection of your HR chart, it seem to be more of an interval training. Somewat like my CTS mountain bike session.

And your max heart rate is high man. How old are you now?

After abt 50min your HR seem to be on the climb. Dehydration?

Unknown said...

this is getting too technical

AJun said...

I have doubts abt the accuracy of Polar's power meter. PwrTap $$
But do u really need pwr? Cadence, speed, HR gives me a good enuf picture.
Old already, pass 30! Not dehydration, just pushing myself cos I know home is only a minute away!

Steph: If you walk 5km to work everyday, you might find it hard initially but it gets easier and easier cos you heart is now trained to do the same work at a more relaxed/slow pace. If you wanna get fitter, you can either walk twice the distance now or walk much faster (so your heart is racing again).
The heart rate is only a tool to help you keep fit/train. It can tell if you're slack!! At the end of the day, you've still got to push yourself to do the yards. Make sense?