Monday, February 4, 2008

Lack of updates

Yes Mike I hear you. I have just been swamped with work at the moment (at least till March where I get my much deseved break back in Singapore). Lets see, where do we even begin:
- I've got my full time job as a dietitian with Diabetes Australia
- Been asked to lecture for the sports nutrition component with Sport Medicine Australia
- Lecturing the Cert IV fitness students at the local Uni
- Commitment to the Northern Territory Institute of Sport for athlete consults

As you can see for the past couple of days, I have been hard at work even at night preparing lecture notes. Now why dosent my bank balance reflect my workload, I seriously dun know!

Adding to my workload; my housemate's dad is really sick so she's flown off to Cairns to be by his bedside leaving me to look after the Cat. As you can sense from my tone, I'm neither a Cat nor a dog person. I may enjoy the occasional pat or two but definitely not looking after it.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back.

See, now we know you are humane as you take care of animals.

Cats are easy to take care of. Infact they take care of themself. Ask Jeanie.

I can see you are more experience in the sport field these days which means... I need your expert advice on diet and all. I wanna do the Aviva 70.3 in Sept. So how? Can help or not?

AJun said...

Yeah, guess you're right. I just change the kitty litter and top up her food while she stays in my mate's room.
Expert, I think not. I was more in touch with Sports in Singapore. But u can email me anytime...

Catty Pants said...

Waaaaah....becoming lecturer!!! :):)

Good on you! :)

And congrats on the full time job! Time to come to Melbourne to "belanja" me makan :):)

Unknown said...

Happy CNY! I thought u were heading back to Spore?

AJun said...

Thanks Cat. Makan, no problem. Anytime when u head up here for your remote placement.
Heading home March 6-22. Any chance of flying past Stephy?

Unknown said...

unfortunately or rather fortunately I will not be travelling for the next 2 months... yipee!