Friday, May 2, 2008

The Splurge

With a huge mortgage over my head, the splurging has been reined in (more or less). But when the government starts giving me a 'bonus' to counter the rising cost and the CPI, I still wouldnt use it. Well, I dun think I needed anything in particular really. Unfortunately the bonus comes with a catch as you would expect. If I were to take the cash, I would have to pay taxes on it meaning I lose 30-42.5% of it (not sure of my actual tax rate).
Here comes the other catch, cos I work for a not-for-profit organisation, we get certain benefits. If I were to purchase something work related, I get it tax free. Rather than give the money back to the taxman, I decided to upgrade the home office.
Got a new laptop. Point to note, the old on the left is a 14 inch screen , right 15.4, dosent look disimilar but an inch, I realise makes a huge difference when you need to cart it around!
Got a new b/w laser printer and gosh have prices come down ($69), and a new wireless G router, which I am making full use of now. Cos I'm watching a friday night movie and blogging in front of the telly.

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