Saturday, June 14, 2008

Did she ever feel secure?

The Dry Season: cool and crisp weather, sky's crystal blue. Time to enjoy a little good ol' nature. Went back to Kakadu National Park for some ideas on my parents itinerary but I doubt we'll be spending much time here as mum's not the sit by the camp fire type. Gosh, we havent even got to the toilets yet...
Anyway, back to the post. I thought I got asked a question that sounded awfully familiar.
Gina: "Does your girlfriend ever feel secure?"
Me: "Why?"
Gina: "Well, you seem to know more Taiwanese backpackers than us (backpackers). And they're all girls."
First, let me set things straight. Perhaps guys are more focused on careers, that the thought of resigning from full time employment for at least a year to travel is a huge ask thus most of the backpackers are females.
Second, (not most but) all my colleagues are females.
So why am I single? Perhaps I'm used and contented with single life, perhaps I dun see myself in Darwin for the long haul. But one thing did come out of that conversation, its definitely harder getting to know people once you leave Uni and start working, cos its an extra effort that on days you'd rather sit back and relax in front of the telly.

Top: Was suppose to be rock art at Ubir but I think the camera was focused on other art.


Sher said...

single life is good. can enjoy many women. ahahahha.
now mummy is gong to kill me...

Sher said...

and oh, mummy definitely does NOT want to go camping.

Anonymous said...

The solution to the problem is to find a girl that wanna sit infront of the tele too.

Ok back to the Taiwanese babes...

Keep the photo coming dude..

PS:Still wan me to pass ur stuff to ur parents?