Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Strong Light CT2 and under-torque

Standard gearing 53/39 versus compack 50/34 cranks (which some traditionalist scoff at).
Frankly, I think the comapct ratio are a gem. Being 55kg and not very massive legs, I can hardly hold/pull the 53T for long. The only downside is the 34T combo which I find too low (unless I am cycling up the Pyrennes!). Thus, the 110 BCD makes it easier to change or upsize to a 38T. Spot anything wrong with the picture. I always thought over torque was bad but under torque can be worse. I didnt even notice anything until last weekends ride when I notice I had lost 3 of the 5 bolts holding the crank together! Here's the last surviving two.
Here's one area which I would not mind using steel bolts. The alloy inner bolts on the crank are already starting to round off.


Killjoy said...

Ti man...Ti is the way to go...they wont fall off..they just get stuck forever...muhahahaha...

BTW u heard of Lock tite????

Use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AJun said...

Yeah, thats the one thing not in my toolbox! How I know?!?!

Killjoy said...

Now u know...